Arctic Fox Wukk
Discovered as a pet in an apartment
The natural range of the Arctic fox is in the regions of the Arctic Circle. It is also called "snow fox" or "ice fox" and is the only wild dog whose fur color changes according to the seasons. In summer, its fur is brown to gray in color, providing perfect camouflage in the tundra. In winter, it develops a snow-white coat, and in some regions, a light to dark gray coat. Arctic foxes have the densest and best insulating fur among mammals. Even at temperatures of -80°C they do not freeze.
Arctic fox Wukk was born at the beginning of May 2022 and bought at the age of only a few weeks by a private person in Lower Austria, smuggled illegally across the border and kept in a tiny box in the apartment.
Fortunately, the not species-appropriate attitude was reported to the veterinary office, so that the little male could be confiscated at the end of July and housed at an animal shelter. Here the fox cub was first of all fed up and medically cared for.
In the search for a permanent home, the staff contacted the TIERART Wild Animal Sanctuary a few months later. In the middle of November 2022 Wukk finally moved in with us.

Wukk on his arrival in November 2022
Whirlwind Wukk
No matter what time of day or weather - Wukk is always in action. His favorite thing to do is to continuously scuffle, romp and play. No matter if he finds a soccer ball, a dog toy or just a stick in the enclosure - Wukk likes to occupy himself with everything that is new. Of course, since he shares his enclosure with silver foxes Mala and Skadi, roughhousing and romping is even more fun!
It is not uncommon for the high-spirited young male to go overboard and get downright cheeky. All the better that Mala and Skadi know how to deal with his high spirits. The impetuous Arctic fox will certainly learn a lot from them in terms of social behavior.
Bye, bye, snow-white fur...
Wukk has developed a particularly strong passion for playing and digging in the ground, which does not necessarily benefit his formerly snow-white Arctic fox fur. In the wild, the white fur serves as camouflage in the snow.
Good thing it's not necessary for Wukk to camouflage himself at TIERART!

Facts about Wukk
- I come from: illegal private keeping in Lower Austria
- I like to eat: beef and mice
- I am: a high-spirited, lively and bright young male dog with a lot of nonsense in his head
- What the keepers say about me: Wukk behaves almost like an untrained puppy and it is fun to watch him romp around. Even with a simple piece of wood he can keep himself busy forever. He keeps throwing it up in the air and dashing around with it - a real bundle of energy.