Silver fox Mika at TIERART

Silver fox Mika

Mika was supposed to be killed


The silver fox was considered the "king of the furry animals" in the 1900's. In the wild, black foxes are extremely rare, due in particular to over 1,000 years of intensive hunting of these animals. High prices were paid for the black pelts as early as the 10th century. Later in the 1890s, began the planned breeding and cruel keeping of fur of the 'silver fox'. The foxes quickly became popular in zoos and animal parks, as the pretty animals often kept and bred.

Silver fox Mika was born in spring of 2019, in an animal park in Germany as well. At the age of just under one year, she was finally to be sold. However, when no place was found for her, the owner wanted to get rid of her by all means he decided without further delay to simply shoot her.

Mika in May 2020

Last minute rescue

The members of a private animal welfare association from the region became aware of the fate of the small fox and offered immediately to take over the animal transitionally.

Shamelessly, the owner wanted to release the fox at first only against payment. However, the animal welfare activists did not give up and succeeded in changing the owner's mind.

In May 2020, Mika was finally brought to TIERART Wild Animal Sanctuary. Here she shares an enclosure with the male silver fox Tomek who was rescued from a Polish fur farm.

Mika enjoying the sun

Look at how much fun Mika is having with her snowman in winter!

Facts about Mika

  • I come from: an animal park in Germany
  • I like to eat: mice
  • I am: a small but very self-confident fox lady
  • What the keepers say about me: Mika is very curious and playful. She likes any kind of enrichment material and is reluctant to share it with other foxes.

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